Sunday, February 27, 2011

Iron Lotus Blades Of Glory Possible

Seramis the Second

Also this year I may again at the large Seramis Test, this time for the substrate for orchids. Early last week came to a huge package, so I can distribute it here very generous, what I have planned for the coming week, because I'm at my parents Tuesday and Thursday I meet three friends.

So what is the substrate?
There are rough mulch pieces in it and brown large chunks that look like the Seramisgranulat for Grünpflangen but larger, in itself it seems quite good, it's not very fine and dry from not too slow, which really is in orchids is very important because they waterlogging did not can tolerate.

I guess it was now ideal for transplanting. Meanwhile, all orchids are in bloom, the flower shoots dried and removed. So I'm waiting now wonder if will be seen as soon as fresh green.

And that repotting is very simple: Toll

I think that can be directly re-pot into a pot. This first layer is a classic Seramis-clay granules are poured down into the pot. I'm using but Tonkiesel so I had very good experiences. The layer should be as about 2 cm high and serves as drainage for waterlogging in the orchid substrate to avoid. After you fill one third of orchid substrate is a right to the insertion height to get. Then, the orchid is used. Before that you should remove dead, ausgetrochnete roots with a sharp knife. By waterlogging rotten roots can remove it now. Finally top with the granulated and ready.


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